Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Link Kids
Our passion at the Link is to see our kids grow in personal relationships with Christ that will continue to develop and deepen as they grow up! Each Sunday, our mission is to see our kids encounter God through worship, prayer, Bible stories, and activation activities.
Sunday Morning Sunday School

Check out or online curriculum for kids to do at home if you are unable to attend in person! Children of all ages can access our video lessons, parent guides, and activity pages on our website www.linkchurchkids.org. This website is updated weekly.
Sunday Morning
Little Explorers (babies up to 24 months) – the Prayer Room is available for parents & toddlers to use during the service.
Explorers Classroom (Ages 2&3) is on the main floor. All other classrooms can be found on the upper level
There is no grade 5/6 Sunday School Class in the summer.
If you would like to register your child for classes, please click on the registration link below, fill it out and bring with you to church on Sunday.
- Little Explorers Babies up to 24 months
- Explorers Ages 2 & 3
- Adventurers Ages 4 & 5
- Pathfinders 1 (Kindergarten & Grade 1)
- Pathfinders 2 (Grade 2)
- Pathfinders 3 (Grade 3)
- Jr. Trailblazers (Grade 4)
- Trailblazers (Grade 5 & 6)
We have wonderful, dedicated volunteers who are gifted in leading your children each Sunday morning. We are always looking for more volunteers to join this amazing team! If you feel lead to serve in this area please contact Sherry at sherry@linkchurch.org
To learn more about this ministry, or to get involved, contact:
Sherry at sherry@linkchurch.org